I don't scare easily. The COVID-19 virus of hate terrifies me.

I had the honor of publishing a digital article for ABC News on Friday about my thoughts on the backlash against Asian Americans related to the coronavirus. This is a piece that I wrote and wanted to share two months ago. I am grateful to finally have the opportunity to post it now.

In the piece, I talk about the heartbreaking stories I’ve been hearing from our community but also the silver linings coming out of this latest virus of hate. Asian Americans are answering the call to stand up, speak out, and empower each other in large numbers. I am so proud of the great work that many of you are doing! Shout out to #racismisavirus, #facesofthecure, #unapologeticallyasian, #washthehate, #iamnotavirus, #hateisavirus. The time has come for AAPIs to be LOUD and UNAPOLOGETIC!

And to my black and brown brothers and sisters, the COVID-19 virus of hate is helping me better understand the fear that you feel every day during normal times. I hope this greater empathy will help me and others in the Asian American community be more supportive of you and other marginalized groups in the future.

Please read the rest of my piece here.

Unapologetically Asian,
