
What you may not have noticed about Parasite, Hair Love, and #Oscars2020

What you may not have noticed about Parasite, Hair Love, and #Oscars2020

My heart is bursting.  “Parasite" producer, Kwak Sin Ae, said, "I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now."  She is absolutely right.  One important note about #Oscars2020 is that at least a few of the filmmakers recognized are not only of color, they are WOMEN.  I was incredibly proud to show our children the videos of Kwak Sin Ae and Miky Lee (both women) accepting the historic Best Picture award on behalf of "Parasite" and to show them Karen Rupert Toliver accepting on behalf of "Hair Love," which I was also so, so happy to see win last night.  As Toliver said during her speech, "Representation matters deeply" and last night the Oscars took a step forward in highlighting that.  And the fact that Parasite resonated with audiences everywhere shows how we are all the same. These universal themes of rich versus poor, economic inequality, greed, desperation to improve one’s station in life, and conflicts of conscience connect us regardless of nationality or country. That having been said, the fact that this is a South Korean film - embraced and appreciated by American audiences and the Academy is also meaningful to me.


A look back and a look ahead... So much work to do.

A look back and a look ahead... So much work to do.

2020 is bound to be another tough year for our country. I remain committed to doing what I can to amplify the voices of the underrepresented, to telling diverse stories in an effort to move in, and to shining a light on injustices. To that end, I pitched many new ideas, roles, and stories last year. I will keep pitching because I am passionate about this effort and optimistic that we can make progress if we persist. But we have to work together.

How to be an activist…

I’ve been talking a lot lately about how we can all be activists in our own circles whether that means within our families, work places, neighborhoods, schools, etcetera.  But a friend pointed out that she’s tired of people (like me - ahem) encouraging her to “do better” without any real strategies or pointers on how to actually do that.  So… my first blog post is dedicated to my friend, Lena, and intended to provide at least a starting point if you’d like to be an activist.